Category: Learning environment

  • Rethinking learning paths: test our ideas against Curatr software

    Note: Please consider also reading the previous posts where I tackled the conceptual framework of learning paths and tested these ideas against the traditional LMS. I was able to try out the Curatr MOOC software by HT2. They organised a free MOOC, explaining their vision on social learning. In addition all participants were offered the opportunity to…

  • Rethinking learning paths: test our ideas against the traditional LMS

    I’m working a on project where we want to offer our students online learning paths which are adapted to their needs and thus take into account the very diverse student inflow we encounter. In order to construct an answer on this challenge, I will write a few blog posts. Note: Please consider also reading the previous post where…

  • Rethinking learning paths: conceptual design

    I’m working a on project where we want to offer our students online learning paths which are adapted to their needs and thus take into account the very diverse student inflow we encounter. Although I wrote this text with the previous objective in mind, it can be applied to other learning situations as well. How…

  • Ouders en de elektronische leeromgeving

    This article describes tips and tricks on how parents can benefit from the LMS (learning management platform) being used in their children’s school. Unfortunately, this article describes a Flemish LMS-product (Smartschool) and is only available in Dutch. Een aangepaste versie van dit artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op de AHA! website van Radio 2. De meeste…