Category: MOOC

  • Hoger onderwijs in de digitale eeuw. Is de Uberification nabij?

    Note: opinion on education issues in Flanders, only available in Dutch. Vlaamse technologietoppers zoals Saskia Van Uffelen (CEO Ericsson BeLux en Digital Champion België) en Peter Hinssen dweilen het land rond met presentaties over de disruptie die we binnen het onderwijs mogen (of zouden moeten) verwachten. Maar hoe dicht staan we bij die Uberification van…

  • Rethinking learning paths: test our ideas against Curatr software

    Note: Please consider also reading the previous posts where I tackled the conceptual framework of learning paths and tested these ideas against the traditional LMS. I was able to try out the Curatr MOOC software by HT2. They organised a free MOOC, explaining their vision on social learning. In addition all participants were offered the opportunity to…

  • What are the biggest design challenges you faced? #OutstandingMOOC

    I’m enrolled in a MOOC where we are encouraged to reflect upon questions such as: “What’s the biggest design challenge that you have ever faced? Did you overcome it? How? “ I have experience with design projects on two educational levels: secondary education and higher education. My experience with both levels is more or less the same:…

  • Are blogs the best reflecting tool within a MOOC? #OutstandingMOOC

    Last week I enrolled as a participant in the following MOOC (Massive Online Open Course): How to create an outstanding MOOC (more information). I didn’t plan to get involved in another MOOC, basically cause I’m short on time (well, who isn’t?). However, I changed my mind because the organiser isn’t Coursera this time, but HT2,…

  • MOOCs zetten e-leren in de schijnwerper

    This article describes what Moocs are and how they impact education. Unfortunately, this article is only available in Dutch. Het artikel over Moocs, verschenen in de trendrubriek van het bibliotheektijdschrift Meta, beschrijft kort wat Moocs inhouden, de stand van zaken in het onderwijs en hun relatie tot bibliotheken. Het artikel is auteursrechtelijk beschermd, gelieve dit…