Category: Papers

  • Differential impact of learning path based versus conventional instruction in science education

    This article ‘Differential impact of learning path based versus conventional instruction in science education‘, analyzes the differential impact of the instructional formats on learning outcomes, considering variations in group setting and group composition. Given the focus on science learning, gender was also considered. Multilevel analysis was applied, and the results show empirical evidence for superior…

  • A Qualitative Study on Learning and Teaching With Learning Paths in a Learning Management System

    This article, ‘A Qualitative Study on Learning and Teaching With Learning Paths in a Learning Management System‘, presents the findings of a qualitative study (carried out between 2011 and 2013) about the adoption and implementation of learning paths within a Learning Management System (LMS). Sixteen secondary school biology teachers of the GO! Network in Flanders…

  • The design and implementation of learning paths in a learning management system

    This article, ‘The design and implementation of learning paths in a learning management system’, investigates whether a particular design and implementation of learning paths has a beneficial impact on learning outcomes, and gender as a co-variables. It reports on the results of empirical research about using learning paths in a secondary education setting. The quasi-experimental study…

  • MOOCs zetten e-leren in de schijnwerper

    This article describes what Moocs are and how they impact education. Unfortunately, this article is only available in Dutch. Het artikel over Moocs, verschenen in de trendrubriek van het bibliotheektijdschrift Meta, beschrijft kort wat Moocs inhouden, de stand van zaken in het onderwijs en hun relatie tot bibliotheken. Het artikel is auteursrechtelijk beschermd, gelieve dit…

  • ELO’s in het Vlaams secundair onderwijs (Dutch)

    This post describes a paper on how LMS are used in Flemish secondary education. Unfortunately, this article was written in Dutch. But, the good news is, the original paper is available in English on this blog. So please continue reading. In 2011 schreef ik samen met mijn co-promoter een artikel over hoe ELO’s in de…

  • Wiki’s in het onderwijs (Dutch papers)

    This post describes three papers/teacher guides on the use of wikis in education. Unfortunately, they are only available in Dutch. In het verleden schreef ik 3 artikels in het Nederlands over wiki’s. Zijn wiki’s nieuw voor u? Dan zijn ‘Het-gebruik-van-wikis-in-het-onderwijs‘ en ‘Een wiki gebruiken voor gezamenlijke kennisopbouw‘ een goed startpunt. Zoekt u concrete praktijkervaringen met betrekking tot…

  • Researching instructional use and the technology acceptation of learning management systems

    This paper researches the technology acceptation of LMS by secondary school teachers, based on a conceptual acceptance model including: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and subjective norm (traditional TAM2 components), personal innovativeness towards IT (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998), internal ICT support (Tondeur, Van Keer, van Braak, & Valcke, 2008), and experience (Sun & Zhang,…